We all know, money cannot buy happiness, as because money is a noun and happiness is adjective. But there is a co-relation between them.
The Happiness Trend – An Obsessive Quest or A Healthy Pursuit
human being optimist or pessimist can also determine some extend of happiness for the following:
Being optimistic has benefits. Positive emotions encourage cooperation, stimulate action, and motivate us to reach our goals.
On the other hand, pessimistic people
A UCLA study of 4,400 Americans showed that people who value time over money are generally happier than those who don’t think money is better.
This is why you should get a virtual assistant to handle those mundane tasks that keep you bogged down.
We are all social animals and having healthy relationships with others is essential for our physical and mental health.
You will feel happier and more fulfilled when you spend time and money with people you genuinely care about.
Five breakdown bellow can help with balancing act for happiness
1. Spend More Time with Friends and Loved Ones
2. Develop an Exercise Routine
3. Write, Expressively
4. Earn More
5. Increase Your Fruit and Vegetable Intake
Research has revealed time and time again that the relationship between money and happiness is limited.
Since the 1950s people’s happiness levels have been remarkably constant, despite increases in income.
In fact, the wealth in the United States has doubled between 1957 and 1995, but the happiness levels haven’t changed.
Further research shows the wealthiest people in the U.S. were less happy.
There is extensive research documenting that money matters up to a threshold;
however, once the annual income of about $75,000 is reached, happiness plateaus and earning an even greater salary doesn’t impact our life satisfaction as much as we might think.
Certainly, lifting a person out of poverty, where they have the ability to live a comfortable life with basic needs like a home, food, proper education, and healthcare met, reduces or eliminates possible nutritional deficiencies in addition to the stress of wondering where your next meal may come from.
But happiness doesn’t go up by just attaining more money.
1. Gruber J. The Scientific Study of Positive Emotion. Edge Foundation, Inc. Retrieved from https://www.edge.org/ panel/june-gruber-the-scientific-study-of-positive-emotion-headcon-13-part-ii
2. Ford BQ, Shallcross AJ, Mauss IB, Floerke VA, and Gruber J. Desperately seeking happiness: Valuing happiness is associated with symptoms and diagnosis of depression.
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 2014; 33 (10):890-905. doi:10.1521/jscp.2014.33.10.890.
3. Fredrickson BL. (1998). What good are positive emotions? Review of General Psychology, 2, 300–319.
4. Peterson C. The future of optimism. Am Psychol 2000;55(1): 44-55.
The Happiness Trend – An Obsessive Quest or A Healthy Pursuit
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