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- Written by Super User
- Category: Quran
Quran recitation that will make you cry
Recitation of the Holy Quran is a form of mystical music that contributes to the release of endorphins by stimulating alpha brain waves. Therefore, it enhances the stress threshold, removes negative emotions, and creates a sense of relaxation.
Do you get ajar for listening to Quran?
QA: Although there are great rewards in listening to the Quran, “more of the human senses are engaged when a Muslim recites the Quran aloud, than when they just listen to it.
Is it OK to listen to Quran?
QA: Yes you should listen to Quran, doesn’t matter wherever you are. on each letter of the quran there are 27 virtues. Allah will help you, even if you lose your attention while doing something.
What does it mean when you cry while listening to Quran?
QA: The reasons that laughing and crying as Almighty Allah was said in quran, “And that it is He who makes [one] laugh and weep”. … However , the best of weep and cry is fear of God in respect of him The Almighty Allah. This kind of weep and cry cleanse the soul from pressure and sorrow together with sins.
- Hits: 75161
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Quran
Peace & serenity is embedded to you soul, when memorising or reciting quran
The silence can be deafening for the brokenhearted, who are desperate to hear words of solace from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.
However, true believers should know they only need to open the Holy Qur’an to seek what they’re looking for – that is, serenity and calmness amid the chaos of the world.
Here are 3 verses from the Holy Qur’an to soothe sad souls, and rekindle lost hope:
1- Surah Baqarah: 155-156 And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, Who, when disaster strikes them, say, “Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.”
2- Surah Yusuf: 86-87
He said, “I only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah, and I know from Allah that which you do not know. O my sons, go and find out about Joseph and his brother and despair not of relief from Allah. Indeed, no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people.”
3- Surah Anfal: 70
“If Allah knows [any] good in your hearts, He will give you [something] better than what was taken from you, and He will forgive you; and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”
May Allah (SWT) have mercy upon us, and give us the peace of mind, body, and soul we are all searching for. Ameen.
- Hits: 62601
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Quran
01. Don't be rude to talk. (Qur'an: 03:159)
02. Control the anger. (Qur'an: 03:134)
03. Treat good with others. (Qur'an: 04:36)
04. Don't be proud. (Qur'an: 07:13)
05. Forgive others for his mistake. (Qur'an: 07:199)
06. Speak quietly with people and speak quietly. (Qur'an: 20:44)
07. Don't speak loud. (Qur'an: 31:19)
08. Don't make fun of others. (Qur'an: 49:11)
09. Act responsible for your parents. (Qur'an: 17:23)
10. Don't say abusive words to your parents. (17:23)
11. Do not enter your parent s' bedroom without permission. (Qur'an: 24:58)
12. If you accept loan then write it down. (Qur'an: 02:282)
13. Don't follow anyone blind. (Qur'an: 02:170)
14. Increase the payment time in the difficult situation of the loan applicant. (Qur'an: 02:280)
15. Never get involved with interest. (Qur'an: 02:275)
16. Don't ever be connected with a bribe. (Qur'an: 02:188)
17. Don't break the promise. (Qur'an: 02:177)
18. Have faith. (Qur'an: 02:283)
19. Don't mix the truth with lies. (Qur'an: 02:42)
20. You will judge me. (Qur'an: 04:58)
21. Stand firm for justice. (Qur'an: 04:135)
22. Distribute the wealth of the dead to their family members. (Qur'an: 04:07)
23. Give the rights to women's rights. (Qur'an: 04:07)
24. Do not consume the property of orphans. (Qur'an: 04:10)
25. Protect the orphans. (Qur'an: 02:220)
26. Do not consume others's wealth wrong. (Qur'an: 04:29)
27. Try to emanate the conflict between people. (Qur'an: 49:09)
28. Avoid doubt. (Qur'an: 49:12)
29. Don't spy, don't make a damn. (Qur'an: 49:12)
30. Do Justice according to the order of Allah. (Qur'an: 05:45)
31. Spend wealth in white. (Qur'an: 57:07)
32. Feed the poor. (Qur'an: 107:03)
33. Give the way to help the needy. (Qur'an: 02:273)
34. Don't waste. (Qur'an: 17:29)
35. Don't waste the donation with the braid. (Qur'an: 02:264)
36. Respect the guest. (Qur'an: 51:26)
37. Only act yourself and then you will order others to act on related matters. (Qur'an: 02:44)
38. Don't make anyone. (Qur'an: 02:60)
39. Don't stop people from going to the mosque. (Qur'an: 02:144)
40. Fight only those who fight with you. (Qur'an: 02:190)
41. Follow the etiquette of war. (Qur'an: 02:191)
42. Don't be dead in the war. (Qur'an: 08:15)
43. Don't make a problem with the deen. (Qur'an: 02:256)
44. Believe in all the prophet. (Qur'an: 02:285)
45. Don't have sex during your wife's menstruation. (Qur'an: 02:222)
46. Feed your child for two years full of milk. (Qur'an: 02:233)
47. Do not sexual intercourse in unwanted ways. (Qur'an: 17:32)
48. Give leadership responsibility according to qualification. (Qur'an: 02:247)
49. Don't make a person out of the ability. (Qur'an: 02:286)
50. Don't give it to him. (Qur'an: 03:103)
51. Think deeply about the wonders and creation of the universe. (Qur'an: 03:191)
52. According to deeds, men and women will get equal reward; so do the deeds. (Qur'an: 03:195)
53. Don't marry the relatives of ' Mah '. (Qur'an: 04:23)
54. Give protection to women as men. (Qur'an: 04:34)
55. Don't be stingy. (Qur'an: 04:37)
56. Do not keep your heart in the heart. (Qur'an: 04:54)
57. Don't kill each other. (Qur'an: 04:92)
58. Don't even call for cheating. (Qur'an: 04:105)
59. Do not help sin in action and aggression. (Qur'an: 05:02)
60. Please help me. (Qur'an: 05:02)
61. If you get majority, don't accept anything as true. (Qur'an: 06:116)
62. Do Justice. (Qur'an: 05:08)
63. Give exemplary punishment to the criminal. (Qur'an: 05:38)
64. Fight against sin and non-legal deeds. (Qur'an: 05:63)
65. Keep away from eating dead animals, blood, and pork. (Qur'an: 05:03)
66. Avoid drugs and alcohol. (Qur'an: 05:90)
67. Don't gamble. (Qur'an: 05:90)
68. Do not contempt the gods and goddesses of other religion. (Qur'an: 06:108)
69. Don't give less to the customer to cheating the buyer. (Qur'an: 06:152)
70. Eat and drink; however, don't waste. (Qur'an: 07:31)
71. Wear good dress at the time of prayer. (Qur'an: 07:31)
72. Give Protection To Asylum seekers, help. (Qur'an: 09:06)
73. Hold on the pure. (Qur'an: 09:108)
74. Never abandon the hope of Allah's mercy. (Qur'an: 12:87)
75. Hope Allah's forgiveness if you make mistakes. (Qur'an: 16:119)
76. Happy birthday to you many many happy returns of the day. (Qur'an: 16:125)
77. No one has to book the burden of the sins of others, believe it. (Qur'an: 17:15)
78. Don't kill your children for fear of poverty. (Qur'an: 17:31)
79. You don't have any knowledge about what you don't have knowledge. (Qur'an: 17:36)
80. Stay away from meaningless work. (Qur'an: 23:03)
81. Don't enter the house of others without taking permission. (Qur'an: 24:27)
82. For those who believe in Allah strongly, he will arrange security for them, keep this faith. (Qur'an: 24:55)
83. Walk gently to the land. (Qur'an: 25:63)
84. Don't neglect your part in the world. (Qur'an: 28:77)
85. Do not call any other God with Allah. (Qur'an: 28:88)
86. Don't be involved in the despicable acts of homosexuality. (Qur'an: 29:29)
87. Enjoin what is right, and hinder evil deeds. (Qur'an: 31:17)
88. Don't walk around the earth. (Qur'an: 31:18)
89. Women will not go out by showing their splendor. (Qur'an: 33:33)
90. Allah forgive all sins, keep faith. (Qur'an: 39:53)
91. Don't be disappointed by the grace of Allah. (Qur'an: 39:53)
92. Resist the evil by the good. (Qur'an: 41:34)
93. Make decisions with mutual advice. (Qur'an: 42:13)
94. Fight to be the best man. (Qur'an: 49:13)
95. Don't be a prophet. (Qur'an: 57:27)
96. Be busy in search of knowledge. (Qur'an: 58:11)
97. Act kind and neutral with non Muslims. (Qur'an: 60:08)
98. Save yourself from greed. (Qur'an: 64:16)
99. Seek Forgiveness of Allah. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. (Qur'an: 73:20)
100. Do not repel one who asks (Qur'an: 93:10)
Note: These are just 100 selected verses from Noble Quran where Allah (God) is ordering us all humans to follow. You must read complete Al Quran for more benefit and to understand Islam.
- Hits: 73127
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Quran
Quran (Surah 1 to Surah 114)- Reciter : Abdullah Basfar
- Hits: 68051
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Quran
Quran (Surah 1 to Surah 114)
Al-Quran (Arabic-Bangla) : Noble Quran Bangla Translation with Arabic Recitation.
Surah Yasin & Surah AR Rehman Recitation with Bangla Translation
| Bangla quran for Download
| Quran translation in English(Page by Page)
| Miracles of the Qura'n(One hour 5 minutes video)
| Quran in video Line by Line
| The Noble Qura'n Software
| Complete Quran in Microsoft Word
| Complete Quran in Microsoft Excel
| Complete Quran in PDF
- Hits: 18289
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Quran
Noble Quran in Arabic language
Colour coded Quran with english translation
Quran for beginners
The noble Quran in Hindi translation by Devnagri
::All About The Quran::
The Quran is a Divine Miracle of Literature [Prophesy - Science - Warnings - Wisdom - Truths]...and it has been Preserved 100% In the Original Language - for over 1,400 years!
Humanity has received Divine Guidance only through two channels:
*The Word of Almighty God ("Allah" [in Arabic]) [scriptures, Bible, Psalms, etc.]
*The Prophets sent by the Allah to communicate His Will to mankind
These two things have always been going together, hand in hand.
More important though, there were at that time, tens of thousands of his companions ("sahabi" in Arabic) who memorized the complete Quran from the instruction of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Even the prophet himself (peace be upon him) used to recite it with angel Gabriel once a year and in the last year of his life he recited it two times just before the month in which he died. Next, the leader who came after the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) (Abu Bakr) entrusted the collection of the Quran to be written in one volume by one of the Prophet's scribe, Zaid Ibn Thabit. He kept it till his death. Then the next leader, Umar and after him to his daughter, Hafsa who had been one of the wives of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Then from the original text which now resides in Topkope Museum, in Istanbul, Turkey, the next leader, Uthman prepared several other exact duplications and sent them to various Muslim territories such as; Uzbekistan and Turkey and other places. These scriptures are still in museums there and one has found its way to a museum in England as well. All of them are exactly the same. Today many of the Muslims from these areas are still memorizing the Quran. The Quran was so meticulously preserved because it is the Book of Guidance for all of humanity for all times. That is why it does not address just the Arabs, in whose language it was revealed. In fact Arabs today do not comprise more than 13% of the Today of Muslims in the world today. The Quran speaks to "mankind": Quran speaks to all of mankind on a general basis without regard to race, tribe, color, social position, financial condition or genealogy. Allah the Almighty says: "O Mankind! What has seduced you from your Lord so Generous?"[Noble Quran 82:6]
::The Practical Teachings of the Quran::
Teachings of Quran are established by the example of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the good Muslims throughout the ages have endeavored to emulate his teachings both in thought and conduct.
The distinctive approach of the Quran is that its instructions are aimed at the general welfare of the mankind and are based on the possibilities within his reach.
::The Quran is Wisdom Conclusive::
Quran neither condemns nor tortures the flesh nor does it neglect the soul.
Quran does not humanize God, nor does it deify man.
Everything is carefully placed where it belongs in the total scheme of creation.
Yet Quran obviously is not written in human style (chronological order). Those who would claim that the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the author of the Quran are claiming something that is humanly impossible.
How could any person of the 7th century utter such scientific truths as those found in the Quran?
Could he describe the evolution of the embryo inside the uterus so accurately as we find it now recorded in modern science?
[See: Dr. Keith Moore's book - on embryology]
Secondly, is it logical to believe that Muhammad (peace be upon him) who up to the age of forty was marked only for his honesty and integrity, began all of a sudden the authorship of a book matchless in literary merit and the equivalent of which the whole legion of the Arab poets and orators of the highest caliber could not produce?
And lastly, is it justified to say that Muhammad (peace be upon him) who was known as "Al-Ameen" (trustworthy) in his society and who is still admired by the non-Muslim scholars for his honesty, would lie about receiving the Quran (which forbids lying) from the Angel Gabriel and then still be able to establish the best human society on the face of the earth, based on truth?
Surely, any sincere and unbiased searcher of truth must come to the conclusion that the Quran is the revealed Book of Almighty Allah.
Readers can easily see how the modern world is coming closer to reality regarding the truth of the Quran.
We appeal to all open minded scholars to study the Quran in the light of the aforementioned points.
We invite all to challenge the validity and accuracy of the sciences known to man today and keep in mind that this is the EXACT TEXT used by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over one thousand four hundred years ago.
Miracles of the Quran
| Full Quran in Arabic and Bangla with Recitation
| Full Quran in Arabic and English with Recitation
| Bangla Quran for Download
| Quran translation in English(Page by Page)
| Quran in video Line by Line
| Emotional Quran Recitations
| Surah Yasin-AR Rehman-Bangla
| Ayat ul Kursi - Mishary Rashid Alafasy
| The Noble Qura'n Software
| Complete Quran in Microsoft Word
| Complete Quran in Microsoft Excel
| Bangla Quran in PDF
- Hits: 17767
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Quran
01-17 All parts! - It's a fact that a number of scientific truths that we have only been able to uncover by the technology of the twentieth century were stated in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago.
Intro 0:00:44
01. The creation of the universe 0:05:10v 02. The expansion of the universe 0:07:04v 03. Orbits 0:09:57
04. The protected roof 0:14:24
05. The returning sky 0:18:42
06. The layers of the atmospheres 0:21:12
07. The function of the mountains 0:24:36
08. The movements of mountains 0:27:55
09. The mystery in Iron 0:31:11
10. The proportion of rain 0:34:41
11.The seas' not mingling with one another 0:39:38
12.The sex of a baby 0:41:14
13.Fingerprints 0:47:00
14.The wrapping of muscles over the bones 0:48:55
15.Three stages of the baby in the w
omb 0:51:49
16.The victory of Byzantium 0:55:41
17.Word repetitions 1:00:57
Fourteen centuries ago, God sent down to humanity the Qur'an as a book of guidance. He called upon people to be guided to the truth by adhering to this book. Since the day of its revelation to the day of resurrection, his last divine book will remain the sole guide for humanity. The matchless style of the Qur'an and the superior wisdom in it are definite evidence that it is the word of God. In addition, the Qur'an has many miraculous attributes proving that it is a revelation from God. One of these attributes is the fact that a number of scientific truths that we have only been able to uncover by the technology of the twentieth century were stated in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago.
Of course the Qur'an is not a book of science. However, many scientific facts that are expressed in an extremely concise and profound manner in its verses have only been discovered with the technology of the twentieth century. These facts could not have been known at the time of the Qur'an's revelation, and this is still more proof that the Qur'an is the word of God.
In order to understand the scientific miracle of the Qur'an, we must first take a look at the level of science at the time when this holy book was revealed...0:02:48
All About The Quran
The Quran is a Divine Miracle of Literature [Prophesy - Science - Warnings - Wisdom - Truths]...and it has been Preserved 100% In the Original Language - for over 1,400 years!
Humanity has received Divine Guidance only through two channels:
The Word of Almighty God ("Allah" [in Arabic]) [scriptures, Bible, Psalms, etc.]
The Prophets sent by the Allah to communicate His Will to mankind
These two things have always been going together, hand in hand.
More important though, there were at that time, tens of thousands of his companions ("sahabi" in Arabic) who memorized the complete Quran from the instruction of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Even the prophet himself (peace be upon him) used to recite it with angel Gabriel once a year and in the last year of his life he recited it two times just before the month in which he died. Next, the leader who came after the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) (Abu Bakr) entrusted the collection of the Quran to be written in one volume by one of the Prophet's scribe, Zaid Ibn Thabit. He kept it till his death. Then the next leader, Umar and after him to his daughter, Hafsa who had been one of the wives of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Then from the original text which now resides in Topkope Museum, in Istanbul, Turkey, the next leader, Uthman prepared several other exact duplications and sent them to various Muslim territories such as; Uzbekistan and Turkey and other places. These scriptures are still in museums there and one has found its way to a museum in England as well. All of them are exactly the same. Today many of the Muslims from these areas are still memorizing the Quran. The Quran was so meticulously preserved because it is the Book of Guidance for all of humanity for all times. That is why it does not address just the Arabs, in whose language it was revealed. In fact Arabs today do not comprise more than 13% of the Today of Muslims in the world today.
The Quran speaks to "mankind"
Quran speaks to all of mankind on a general basis without regard to race, tribe, color, social position, financial condition or genealogy.
Allah the Almighty says: "O Mankind! What has seduced you from your Lord so Generous?"[Noble Quran 82:6]
The Practical Teachings of the Quran Teachings of Quran are established by the example of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the good Muslims throughout the ages have endeavored to emulate his teachings both in thought and conduct. The distinctive approach of the Quran is that its instructions are aimed at the general welfare of the mankind and are based on the possibilities within his reach.
The Quran is Wisdom Conclusive.
It neither condemns nor tortures the flesh nor does it neglect the soul.
It does not humanize God, nor does it deify man.
Everything is carefully placed where it belongs in the total scheme of creation.
Yet it obviously is not written in human style (chronological order). Those who would claim that the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the author of the Quran are claiming something that is humanly impossible.
How could any person of the 7th century utter such scientific truths as those found in the Quran?
Could he describe the evolution of the embryo inside the uterus so accurately as we find it now recorded in modern science?
[See: Dr. Keith Moore's book - on embryology]
Secondly, is it logical to believe that Muhammad (peace be upon him) who up to the age of forty was marked only for his honesty and integrity, began all of a sudden the authorship of a book matchless in literary merit and the equivalent of which the whole legion of the Arab poets and orators of the highest caliber could not produce?
And lastly, is it justified to say that Muhammad (peace be upon him) who was known as "Al-Ameen" (trustworthy) in his society and who is still admired by the non-Muslim scholars for his honesty, would lie about receiving the Quran (which forbids lying) from the Angel Gabriel and then still be able to establish the best human society on the face of the earth, based on truth?
Surely, any sincere and unbiased searcher of truth must come to the conclusion that the Quran is the revealed Book of Almighty Allah.
Readers can easily see how the modern world is coming closer to reality regarding the truth of the Quran.
We appeal to all open minded scholars to study the Quran in the light of the aforementioned points.
We invite all to challenge the validity and accuracy of the sciences known to man today and keep in mind that this is the EXACT TEXT used by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over one thousand four hundred years ago.
We are sure that any such attempt will convince the reader that the Quran could never have been written by any human being ever.
Miracles of the Quran
| Full Quran in Arabic and Bangla with Recitation
| Full Quran in Arabic and English with Recitation
| Bangla Quran for Download
| Quran translation in English(Page by Page)
| Quran in video Line by Line
| Emotional Quran Recitations
| Surah Yasin-AR Rehman-Bangla
| Ayat ul Kursi - Mishary Rashid Alafasy
| The Noble Qura'n Software
| Complete Quran in Microsoft Word
| Complete Quran in Microsoft Excel
| Bangla Quran in PDF
- Hits: 12082
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Quran
QURA'N IN AUDIO, VIDEO & RADIO (ENGLISH, BANGLA, ARABIC & OTHER LANGUAGES): CONNECT YOUR HEART ACCORDING TO YOUR NEED»» Surah Yasin & Surah AR Rehman Recitation with Bangla Translation | Bangla quran for Download | Quran translation in English(Page by Page) | Miracles of the Qura'n(One hour 5 minutes video) | Quran in video Line by Line | The Noble Qura'n Software | Complete Quran in Microsoft Word | Complete Quran in Microsoft Excel | Complete Quran in PDF
Surah 78.An-Naba ( The Tidings ) translated by Marmaduke Pickthall
1. Whereof do they question one another?
2. (It is) of the awful tidings,
3. Concerning which they are in disagreement.
4. Nay, but they will come to know!
5. Nay, again, but they will come to know!
6. Have We not made the earth an expanse,
7. And the high hills bulwarks?
8. And We have created you in pairs,
9. And have appointed your sleep for repose,
10. And have appointed the night as a cloak,
11. And have appointed the day for livelihood.
12. And We have built above you seven strong (heavens),
13. And have appointed a dazzling lamp,
14. And have sent down from the rainy clouds abundant Water,
15. Thereby to produce grain and plant,
16. And gardens of thick foliage.
17. Lo! the Day of Decision is a fixed time,
18. A day when the trumpet is blown, and ye come in multitudes,
19. And the heaven is opened and becometh as gates,
20. And the hills are set in motion and become as a mirage.
21. Lo! hell lurketh in ambush,
22. A home for the rebellious.
23. They will abide therein for ages.
24. Therein taste they neither coolness nor (any) drink
25. Save boiling water and a paralysing cold:
26. Reward proportioned (to their evil deeds).
27. For lo! they looked not for a reckoning;
28. They called Our revelations false with strong denial.
29. Everything have We recorded in a Book.
30. So taste (of that which ye have earned). No increase do We give you save of torment.
31. Lo! for the duteous is achievement
32. Gardens enclosed and vineyards,
33. And maidens for companions,
34. And a full cup.
35. There hear they never vain discourse, nor lying
36. Requital from thy Lord a gift in payment
37. Lord of the heavens and the earth, and (all) that is between them, the Beneficent; with Whom none can converse.
38. On the day when the angels and the Spirit stand arrayed, they speak not, saving him whom the Beneficent alloweth and who speaketh right.
39. That is the True Day. So whoso will should seek recourse unto his Lord.
40. Lo! We warn you of a doom at hand, a day whereon a man will look on that which his own hands have sent before, and the disbeliever will cry: "Would that I were dust!"
Surah 27 : An-Naml ( The Ant ), text translated by Marmaduke Pickthall
1. Ta. Sin. These are revelations of the Qur’an and a Scripture that maketh plain;
2. A guidance and good tidings for believers
3. Who establish worship and pay the poor due and are sure of the Hereafter.
4. Lo! as for those who believe not in the Hereafter, We have made their works fair seeming unto them so that they are all astray.
5. Those are they for whom is the worst of punishment, and in the Hereafter they will be the greatest losers.
6. Lo! as for thee (Muhammad), thou verily receivest the Qur’an from the presence of One Wise, Aware.
7. (Remember) when Moses said unto his household: Lo! I spy afar off a fire; I will bring you tidings thence, or bring to you a borrowed flame that ye may warm yourselves.
8. But when he reached it, he was called, saying: Blessed is whosoever is in the fire and whosoever is round about it! And glorified be Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!
9. O Moses! Lo! it is I, Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.
10. And throw down thy staff! But when he saw it writhing as it were a demon, he turned to flee headlong; (but it was said unto him): O Moses! Fear not! Lo! the emissaries fear not in My presence,
11. Save him who hath done wrong and afterward hath changed evil for good. And lo! I am Forgiving, Merciful.
12. And put thy hand into the bosom of thy robe, it will come forth white but unhurt. (This will be one) among name tokens unto Pharaoh and his people. Lo! they were ever evil living folk.
13. But when Our tokens came unto them, plain to see, they said: This is mere magic,
14. And they denied them, though their souls acknowledged them, for spite and arrogance. Then see the nature of the consequence for the wrong doers!
15. And We verily gave knowledge unto David and Solomon, and they said: Praise be to Allah, Who hath preferred us above many of His believing slaves!
16. And Solomon was David's heir. And he said: O mankind! Lo! we have been taught the language of birds, and have been given (abundance) of all things. This surely is evident favour.
17. And there were gathered together unto Solomon his armies of the jinn and humankind, and of the birds, and they were set in battle order;
18. Till, when they reached the Valley of the Ants, an ant exclaimed: O ants! Enter your dwellings lest Solomon and his armies crush you, unperceiving.
19. And (Solomon) smiled, laughing at her speech, and said: My Lord, arouse me to be thankful for Thy favour wherewith Thou hast favoured me and my parents, and to do good that shall be pleasing unto Thee, and include me in (the number of) Thy righteous staves.
20. And he sought among the birds and said: How is it that I see not the hoopoe, or is he among the absent?
21. I verily will punish him with hard punishment or I verily will slay him, or he verily shall bring me a plain excuse.
22. But he was not long in coming, and he said: I have found out (a thing) that thou apprehendest not, and I come unto thee from Sheba with sure tidings.
23. Lo! I found a woman ruling over them, and she hath been given (abundance) of all things, and hers is a mighty throne.
24. I found her and her people worshipping the sun instead of Allah; and Satan maketh their works fair seeming unto them, and debarreth them from the way (of Truth), so that they go not aright:
25. So that they worship not Allah, Who bringeth forth the hidden in the heavens and the earth, and knoweth what ye hide and what ye proclaim,
26. Allah; there is no God save Him, the Lord of the tremendous Throne.
27. (Solomon) said: We shall see whether thou speakest truth or whether thou art of the liars.
28. Go with this my letter and throw it down unto them; then turn away and see what (answer) they return,
29. (The Queen of Sheba ) said (when she received the letter): O chieftains! Lo! there hath been thrown unto me a noble letter.
30. Lo! it is from Solomon, and lo! it is: In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful;
31. Exalt not yourselves against me, but come unto me as those who surrender.
32. She said: O chieftains! Pronounce for me in my case. I decide no case till ye are present with me.
33. They said: We are lords of might and lords of great prowess, but it is for thee to command; so consider what thou wilt command.
34. She said: Lo! kings, when they enter a township, ruin it and make the honour of its people shame. Thus will they do.
35. But lo! I am going to send a present unto them, and to see with what (answer) the messengers return.
36. So when (the envoy) came unto Solomon, (the King) said: What! Would ye help me with wealth? But that which Allah hath given me is better than that which He hath given you. Nay it is ye (and not I) who exult in your gift.
37. Return unto them. We verily shall come unto them with hosts that they cannot resist, and we shall drive them out from thence with shame, and they will be abased.
38. He said: O chiefs! Which of you will bring me her throne before they come unto me, surrendering?
39. A stalwart of the Jinn said: I will bring it thee before thou canst rise from thy place. Lo! I verily am strong and trusty for such work.
40. One with whom was knowledge of the Scripture said: I will bring it thee before thy gaze returneth unto thee. And when he saw it set in his presence, (Solomon said: This is of the bounty of my Lord, that He may try me whether I give thanks or am ungrateful. Whosoever giveth thanks he only giveth thanks for (the good of) his own soul: and whosoever is ungrateful (is ungrateful only to his own soul's hurt). For lo! my Lord is Absolute in independence, Bountiful.
41. He said: Disguise her throne for her that we may see whether she will go aright or be of those not rightly guided.
42. So, when she came, it was said (unto her): Is thy throne like this? She said: (It is) as though it were the very one. And (Solomon said): We were given the knowledge before her and we had surrendered (to Allah).
43. And (all) that she was wont to worship instead of Allah hindered her, for she came of disbelieving folk.
44. It was said unto her: Enter the hall. And when she saw it she deemed it a pool and bared her legs. (Solomon) said: Lo! it is a hall, made smooth, of glass. She said: My Lord! Lo! I have wronged myself, and I surrender with Solomon unto Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
45. And We verily sent until Thamud their brother Salih, saying: Worship Allah. And lo! they (then) became two parties quarrelling.
46. He said: O my people! Why will ye hasten on the evil rather than the good? Why will ye not ask pardon of Allah, that ye may receive mercy.
47. They said: We augur evil of thee and those with thee. He said: Your evil augury is with Allah. Nay, but ye are folk that are being tested.
48. And there were in the city nine persons who made mischief in the land and reformed not.
49. They said: Swear one to another by Allah that we verily will attack him and his household by night, and afterward we will surely say unto his friend: We witnessed not the destruction of his household. And lo! we are truth tellers.
50. So they plotted a plot: and We plotted a plot, while they perceived not.
51. Then see the nature of the consequence of their plotting, for lo! We destroyed them and their people, every one.
52. See, yonder are their dwellings empty and in ruins because they did wrong. Lo! herein is indeed a portent for a people who have knowledge.
53. And we saved those who believed and used to ward off (evil).
54. And Lot! when he said unto his folk: will ye commit abomination knowingly?
55. Must ye needs lust after men instead of women? Nay, but ye are folk who act senselessly.
56. But the answer of his folk was naught save that they said: Expel the household of Lot from your township, for they (forsooth) are folk who would keep clean!
57. Then we saved him and his household save his wife; We destined her to be of those who stayed behind.
58. And We rained a rain upon them. Dreadful is the rain of those who have been warned.
59. Say (O Muhammad): Praise be to Allah, and peace be on His slaves whom He hath chosen! Is Allah best, or (all) that ye ascribe as partners (unto Him)?
60. Is not He (best) who created the heavens and the earth, and sendeth down for you water from the sky wherewith We cause to spring forth joyous orchards, whose trees it never hath been yours to cause to grow. Is there any God beside Allah? Nay, but they are folk who ascribe equals (unto Him)!
61. Is not He (best) Who made the earth a fixed abode, and placed rivers in the folds thereof, and placed firm hills therein, and hath set a barrier between the two seas? Is there any God beside Allah? Nay, but most of them know not!
62. Is not He (best) who answereth the wronged one when he crieth unto Him and removeth the evil, and hath made you viceroys of the earth? Is there any God beside Allah? Little do they reflect!
63. Is not He (best) Who guideth you in the darkness of the land and the sea, He Who sendeth the winds as heralds of His mercy? Is there any God beside Allah? High exalted be Allah from all that they ascribe as partner (unto Him)!
64. Is not He (best), Who produceth creation, then reproduceth it, and Who provideth for you from the heaven and the earth? Is there any God beside Allah? Say: Bring your proof, if ye are truthful!
65. Say (O Muhammad): None in the heavens and the earth knoweth the Unseen save Allah; and they know not when they will be raised (again).
66. Nay, but doth their knowledge reach to the Hereafter? Nay, for they are in doubt concerning it. Nay, for they cannot see It.
67. Yet those who disbelieve say: when we have become dust like our fathers, shall we verily be brought forth (again)?
68. We were promised this, forsooth, we and our fathers. (All) this is naught but fables of the men of old.
69. Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Travel in the land and see the nature of the sequel for the guilty!
70. And grieve thou not for them, nor be in distress because of what they plot (against thee).
71. And they say: When (will) this promise (be fulfilled), if ye are truthful?
72. Say: It may be that a part of that which ye would hasten on is close behind you.
73. Lo! thy Lord is full of bounty for mankind, but most of them do not give thanks.
74. Lo! thy Lord knoweth surely all that their bosoms hide, and all that they proclaim.
75. And there is nothing hidden in the heaven or the earth but it is in a clear Record.
76. Lo! this Qur’an narrateth unto the Children of Israel most of that concerning which they differ.
77. And lo! it is a guidance and a mercy for believers.
78. Lo! thy Lord will judge between them of His wisdom, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
79. Therefor (O Muhammad) put thy trust in Allah, for thou (standest) on the plain Truth.
80. Lo! thou canst not make the dead to hear, nor canst thou make the deaf to hear the call when they have turned to flee;
81. Nor canst thou lead the blind out of their error. Thou canst make none to hear, save those who believe Our revelations and who have surrendered.
82. And when the word is fulfilled concerning them, We shall bring forth a beast of the earth to speak unto them because mankind had not faith in Our revelations.
83. And (remind them of) the Day when We shall gather out of every nation a host of those who denied Our revelations, and they will be set in array;
84. Till, when they come (before their Lord), He will say: Did ye deny My revelations when ye could not compass them in knowledge, or what was it that ye did?
85. And the Word will be fulfilled concerning them because they have done wrong, and they will not speak.
86. Have they not seen how We have appointed the night that they may rest therein, and the day sight giving? Lo! therein verily are portents for a people who believe.
87. And (remind them of) the Day when the Trumpet will be blown, and all who are in the heavens and the earth will start in fear, save him whom Allah willeth. And all come unto Him, humbled.
88. And thou seest the hills thou deemest solid flying with the flight of clouds: the doing of Allah Who perfecteth all things. Lo! He is Informed of what ye do.
89. Whoso bringeth a good deed will have better than its worth; and such are safe from fear that Day.
90. And whoso bringeth an ill deed, such will be flung down on their faces in the Fire. Are ye rewarded aught save what ye did?
91. (Say): I (Muhammad) am commanded only to serve the Lord of this land which He hath hallowed, and unto Whom all things belong. And I am commanded to be of those who surrender (unto Him),
92. And to recite the Qur’an. And whoso goeth right, goeth right only for (the good of) his own soul; and as for him who goeth astray (Unto him) say: Lo! I am only a warner.
93. And say: Praise be to Allah who will show you His portents so that ye shall know them. And thy Lord is not unaware of what ye (mortals) do.
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1 | EnglishThe Noble QuranTranslated by M. Pikhtal the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the English Language | |
2 | EnglishThe Noble QuranTranslated by Yusuf-Ali the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the English Language | |
3 | EnglishThe Noble QuranTranslation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the English Language | |
4 | French - FrançaisLe Noble CoranEt la Traduction en Langue Français de ses Sens | |
5 | German - DeutschDer edle QuranUnd die übersetzung seiner Bedeutungen in die deutsche Sprache | |
6 | Russian - РоссийскаяСвященный КъуранПеревод смыслов Кулиева Эльмира | |
7 | Chinese - 中文Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the Chinese Language | |
8 | Spanish - EspañolEl Noble Corány su traducción comentario en Lengua Española | |
9 | Greek - ΕλληνικάTo Iepo KopanioTranslation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the Greek Language | |
10 | Indonesian - Bahasa IndonesiaAl QuranAl Quran dan terjemahnya | |
11 | Turkish - TürkçeKUR'AN-I KERİMTranslation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the Turkish Language | |
12 | Urdu - اردوقرآن کریمقرآن کریم مع اردو ترجمہ وتفسیر | |
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18 | Filipino (Iranon)Translation of the Meaning of the Noble Quran in Filipino (Iranon) | |
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20 | SindhiTranslation of the Meaning of the Noble Quran in SindhiSize: 59.2 MB | Format: PDF | | |
21 | BrahuiTranslation of the Meaning of the Holy Quran in BrahuiSize: 30.9 MB | Format: PDF | | |
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29 | VietnameseThe Noble QuranTranslation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the Vietnamese Language | |
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32 | ZuluTranslation of the Meaning of Some Ayaht of the Holy Quran in ZuluSize: 5.2 MB | Format: PDF | |
Quran translation in different languages from around the world. Act now add yours! Send us an SMS-Click here
Albanian-by-Feti-Mehdiu | Albanian-by-Hasan-Nahi | Albanian-by-Sherif-Ahmet | Albanian | Arabic-Original-Book | Azerbaijani-by-Musayev | Azerbaijani | Bangla-Bengali | Bosnian-by-Korkut | Bosnian-Mustafa-Mlivo | Bosnian-Transliterim | Bulgarian | Chinese-Simplified | Chinese | Czeck-Hrbek | Czeck-Nykl | Dutch-Keyzer | Dutch | English-A.-J.-Arberry | English-Ahmed-Ali | English-Ali-Ünal | English-Amatul-Rahman-Omar | English-Daryabadi | English-Faridul-Haque | English-Hamid-S.-Aziz | English-Literal | English-Maulana-Mohammad-Ali | English-Muhammad-Sarwar | English-Pickthall | English-Shakir | English-Transliteration | English-Yusuf-Ali | Finnish | French-Hamidullah | French | German-Abu-Rida-Muhammad | German-Bubenheim-Elyas | German-Khoury | German-Zaidan | Hausa | Indonesian-Bahasa-Indonesia | Italian-Piccardo | Italian | Japanese | Korean-Korean | Kurdî | Malay | Malayalam | Maranao-Guro-Alim-Saromantang | Norwegian-Einar-Berg | Persian-by Hussain Ansarian | Persian-by-Mahdi Elahi Ghomshei | Persian-by-Naser Makarem Shirazi | Poland-by-Bielawskiego | Portuguese-by-samir-El-Hayek | Portuguese-Portuguese | Romanian-George-Grigore | Romanian | Russian- Russian | Russian-Elmir-Kuliev | Russian-M.-N.O. Osmanov | Russian-Valeri-porokhova | Somali-by-Al-Barwani | Spanish-Julio Cortes | Swahili-Swahili | Swedish-Rashad-Kalifa | Tamil-Tamil | Tatar-Yakub-Ibn-Nugman | Thai-Thai | Turkish-bt-Abdulbaki-Gölpinarli | Turkish-Ali-Bulac | Turkish-Bekir-Sadak | Turkish-bt-Adem-Ugur | Turkish-by-Ali-Fikri-Yavuz | Turkish-Celal-Yildirim | Turkish-Diyanet-Vakf? | Turkish-Diyanet-??leri | Turkish-Diyanet | Turkish-Elmal?l?-Hamdi-Yaz?r | Turkish-Elmal?l?-sadele?tirilmi? | Turkish-Fizilal-il-Kuran | Turkish-Gültekin-Onan | Turkish-Hasan-Basri-Çantay | Turkish-Latin-Alphabet | Turkish-Muhammed-Esed | Turkish-Suat-Y?ld?r?m | Turkish-Süleyman-Ate? | Turkish-Tefhim-ul-Kuran | Turkish-Ya?ar-Nuri-Öztürk | Turkish-Ömer-Nasuhi-Bilmen | Turkish-?bni-Kesir | Turkish-?by-skender-Ali-Mihr | Turkish-?aban-Piri? | Urdu-Ahmed-Ali | Urdu-by-Ahmed Rida Khan | Urdu-by-Fateh Muhammad Jalandhry | Uzbek-Mohammad-Sadik
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