Drug war is just the beginning. How evil our human society is. Money is the main motto and everybody is rushing to get their first.
Every drug company, every country is trying to use their experimental drug to use as an alternative to corona virus cure or prevention.
But none of the drugs are FDA approved. The FDA is particularly concerned that products that claim to cure, treat or prevent serious diseases like COVID-19 may cause consumers to delay or stop appropriate medical treatment, leading to serious and life-threatening harm.
Be careful to use alternate any medicine, as it may complicate or even death. Drugs are user specific. You do not know, what is the status or prior disease patient might have? So on, so on and so on. Stop the non-sense.
Control the disease contamination and stop the spread for now. Pharmaceutical companies and researcher will come up with the solution.
Government and country's leaders’ job is to bring the normalize life to the human society and we will have plenty of time to cure and prevention for the diseases. We have to be prepared for the next wave of diseases, not yet touched to human society.
Together we all can fight back, whatever comes or trial we face on earth. Rushes and greediness will not solve the problem, rather complicate it.
Here are some info and advancement in front of us around the world:
1. Researchers around the globe are rushing to develop a vaccine to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but the development and approval process could take 18 to 24 months.
2. Gilead Sciences initiated 2 Phase 3 clinical studies to evaluate the safety and efficacy of its antiviral drug remdesivir in adults diagnosed with COVID-19.
3. Abbvie is collaborating with health authorities and institutions globally on the experimental use of its HIV medicine, lopinavir/ritonavir (Kaletra/Aluvia) to treat COVID-19.
4. The new clinical studies expand the pharma maker’s ongoing research into remdesivir, which includes two clinical trials in China’s Hubei province as well as the recently initiated clinical trial in the US led by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
5. FDA said. “Although there are investigational COVID-19 vaccines and treatments under development, these investigational products are in the early stages of product development and have not yet been fully tested for safety or effectiveness.”
6. There is already a “high level of anxiety” over the potential spread of coronaviruswhat lead to situation are companies preying on consumers by promoting products with fraudulent prevention and treatment claims. It should be stopped by all of us.
7. Last or not least Advise to all
"Plagues and pandemics are huge events affecting enormous populations; We need to battle them not impulsively but with an eye to the future course of the disease".