How to glow and brighten your skin naturally
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Health
So you can use domestic materials to bring bright glowing white to the skin. To bring or maintain the brightness of the skin the household natural product can be used and getting popularity in the beauty world. There are various types of domestic facepack to make skin glowing.
Find out 3 ways to get to know the most simple processes. Skin is becoming more glowing and white quickly in behavior. Find out in next slides what the procedures are.
1. Tamarind pulp to the skin for 15 minutes. You have to wash your face with water when dry. Use of two days in a week will have good results.
2. Get the dense mixture of lemon and honey mixing together. Mixture the face clean and wait a while. After minutes 15, wash your face with cold water. There will be good results in the use of 3 or 4 days a week.
3. Pink lentil(Musur dal) to soak for a while in the water. Put a thick paste in the wet Pink lentil paste into the mouth. Wait until the drying. Then wash your face with water.
Note:People with medication should consult with their family doctor before using any natural oil and natural products in their diet.
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