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Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem,
In order to understand the history of the Torah and how the scriptures were collected, it must be clarified that the Torah itself was the revelation that was brought to Moses in Sinai for forty years and these chapters include: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The following scriptures assembled after these chapters is called the Book of the Prophets. The combination of the Torah and the Book of the Prophets is known as the Old Testament according to the Christian faith; and Tanakh according to the Jewish faith. In order to completely assemble the Old Testament, it took 950 years, the Book of the Prophets (collection of the prophethoods until Jesus).

Beginning with Surat al-A'Araf verse: 157, "Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and Gospel--for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil, etc.)

The Jews were waiting for the guided prophet mentioned in the Torah to guide, unify, and strengthen the people and rule justly with divine law freely from Roman rule. The signs and attributes from Allah for this prophet were made clear in the Torah. He was mentioned through previous prophets and signs to look for in the coming of this Prophet and it was understood that this messenger may or may not be from the Jewish tribes. This Messenger, according to the ayah, is the messenger that is mentioned in Isaiah 42. This prophet is also the 'illiterate' mentioned in Isaiah 29 11-12. This last prophet is understood to be more than just 'illiterate'. The origin of the word "ummi" from Hebrew also meant Gentiles, which meant, not from the Children of Israel. Therefore, all the description of the of the Prophet in the Torah suit only the Prophet Muhammad as unlettered and from the Gentiles. Examples including Deutronomy 18:18 coming from Paran as mentioned in Genesis 21:21, and also being blessed in Genesis 17:20, and open Paran in Deutronomy 33:2 with 10,000 companions. All of these verses come from the Torah and before the Book of the Prophets and their description of the Prophet.

The People of Israel (Jews) were subject to torture, oppression, and injustices from various kingdoms (Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Romans etc.) and their primary anticipation was the arrival of this prophet. They have known his name and his characteristics thoroughly. Riots and rebellions began from the Jews and the strongest rebellion that resulted in the truest parts of their missions was led by the famous Judah al-Makabi (followers by the name of Makabiyans) in 165 BC. This religious rebellion succeeded by expelling the Romans from Jerusalem for only three full years, and eventually fell back into Roman rule.

This was the beginning of a new hatred and tension from the Romans toward the Jews. The Jews put their trust for dependance and support of the Persians and meanwhile, the Persians used the Jews as an asset to weaken Roman rule as insiders to their kingdom. The Jews thank the Persians for their appreciation of the Jews specifically, King Cyrus, who brought the Jews back to Jerusalem after 50 years captivity of the Babylonians that began in 587 BC and helped rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. King Cyrus' advisor, Prophet Daniel, guided him to the teaching of Allah and Daniel provided him to marry the Jew, Esther. When he died, she became Queen Esther.

What was the reason behind all the tension between the Jews and Romans? The Jews had been anticipating a prophet (unlettered) that would come and remove/demolish the Roman occupation as mentioned in Daniel 7 and Daniel 2: 44. After the death of Judah Al-Makabi, the Romans were on guard and cautious of whether the Jews would revolt again. Due to the oppression and strict lives the Jews were living under the Roman rule, Jewish religious practices, hopes, and piety started to decrease which led to corruption in the Jewish community (political, religious, social, etc). The righteous among them started to depart from the corruption--moving to caves--in isolation and only the corrupt in the community remained. The Jews were still active in trying to remove the Romans regardless of who was there to aid them as preparation for the rule of the Messiah/ or Prophet.

Within this corrupt society, there was a minority, the family of Umran--Zakariah's family (pious with no political involvement). The story of Zakariah is mentioned in Sura Maryam and Surat Al-Imran. The mother of Maryam (Mary), Hanna, widowed and pregnant with Mary, was short-numbered in running the house of worship. The story of Maryam (Mary) can be found in Surat Maryam. After explaining this environment and context, it can be understood what kind of community Jesus was born in. The Jewish community did not regard or pay any attention to the teachings of Jesus, but Allah supported and guided his teachings as proof as a messenger and prophet. Regardless of his teachings, they did not care, they did not acknowledge them because he would curse the writers of the Torah and the wicked which was frequently mentioned in the New Testament such as found in Matthew 6, 2: " Therefore when you do a charitable deed, do not sound strumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets…". Also in Matthew 12, 34 and John 8:44.

In order to get them to believe in Allah again, increase in diseases and illnesses became of them--not just disease and illness but specific and designated illnesses that are specifically remedied with the permission of Allah. These conditions included, blindness, deafness, muteness, and leprosy. Every single one of them can only be cured by the WILL of Allah. Jesus was the means to which these conditions would be cured, by Allah's Will. Because the blessings of Jesus were so immense, anyone that Allah willed to be cured, would approach him, and if Allah did not will someone to be cured, they never approached Jesus. All of this is tied to the Wisdom of Allah and His Wisdom is not to be debated. The commonality of the conditions were brought as a sign to bring the people back to Allah through Jesus as a reminder of the blessings of the senses and how they are supposed to be used for the sake of Allah.

As for the one occurrence of raising the dead, was proof of resurrection and the Day of Judgement for those who disbelieved in such.

Secondly, the event of blowing into bird-shaped mud and it turning into a living bird, was a message showing the existence of the soul for those who disbelieved in such. This was to show that man was created from mud, will die and return to dirt, and again will be resurrected the same way they were created.

Lastly, what was mentioned in Sura Al-Imran aya 49: " …and I declare to you what ye eat, what ye store in your houses. Surely therein is a sign for you if ye did believe."

Jesus tells the Jews that Allah knows what they eat although they preach eating the Kosher diet, and what is in the homes of Rabbis that speak of righteouness while consuming all of the charity for themselves.

The message of Allah about these cures is that Allah can cure anytime any condition if He wills, and that He will resurrect the dead and that there is an afterlife and reckon with everyone and their physical senses, belief in the soul with the miracle of the bird, and that Allah knows all of the unseen and nothing is unknown to Him from even the insides of people's homes.

During the time of Jesus, the righteous rabbis that took care of the temple made an announcement that they would meet on the Sabbath and bring Jesus to assess him. He answered every single question in detail including the questions even the rabbis did not know the answers to. They told him, "You are a true prophet and are supported by Allah and we have a request. Because you have support from Allah, why not become king to overcome the Romans with full support from the community." Jesus responded in Surat As-saf ayah 6: "And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said, " O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah sent to you confirming the Torah which came before me, and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad…" Because the Jews, including Jesus, already knew that Muhammad was coming, when Jesus mentioned the name 'Ahmed', meaning "the Highest Praiser" which was also another name of Muhammad to fit his description, it was to emphasize the importance of his coming. That 'Ahmad' is the designated one to end Roman rule. The name Ahmed was mentioned in the Gospel John 16:12-15 in the Greek, 'Paraclete' which later derived to the Syriac 'Ahmad' which meant 'praised'. Because the leaders understood that Jesus was not the one to end Roman rule, it was assumed that there was no reason in changing the current lifestyle until the arrival of Muhammad who will end Roman rule. This news led to an uproar. This event is also mentioned in John 1:19-27 and Luke 7 12-20. John the Baptist was also awaiting the Prophet Muhammad. Many of the followers of John the Baptists name their children names similar to Muhammad such as Hamed. Luke 12:14 Jesus denies to be a judge and divider. John 8:41-45 they didn't like Jesus.

Allah mentions addressing to the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad as support towards Muhammad like the disciples of Jesus, in Surat As-Saf: 14, " O ye who believe! Be ye helpers of Allah: as said Jesus the son of Mary to the Disciples, "Who will be my helpers to the work of Allah?" Said the Disciples, 'We are Allah's helpers!' and a portion of the Children of Israel believed and a portion disbelieved."

Jesus addressed to his disciples to follow Muhammad in John 14: 16, 25-26, 30, 15: 26-27, 16: 5-14 where he addresses the coming of the Comforter (Paraclete) and the message and divine guidance to come after Jesus. He describes a man that will speak not from himself (but as revelation) bringing teachings for people and speaking with respect of Jesus.

The uproar about Muhammad coming to conquer Rome spread. The news spread enough eventually to reach Roman knowledge. When the Romans heard the news they sought out who brought this information--Jesus. According to Islamic sources and as found in Al-Nisa'i, narrated by Ibn Abbas and Ibn Kathir that during the time of the Romans summoning Jesus and his disciples, Jesus met amongst his disciples and discussed with them. Jesus said to his students, "Allah is going to raise me to heaven. Allah told me that He will raise me to heaven. Who volunteers to be my simulacrum (stand-in/look-a-like) and companion in heaven?" He asked them this question as a test for their dedication to the religion while he is raised to heaven. One of the youngest volunteered and Jesus asked him to sit down and the young man volunteered two more times and Jesus asked him to sit down and selected one of them and said, "You will be that man".

Because this narration was by Ibn Abbas, it is widely understood that he was educated under the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) and that the original message of a simulacrum of Jesus came from the Prophet Muhammad and that his narration was a teaching from Ibn Abbas. He interpreted the story of Jesus as his own statement and that at this point it is understood that there are no traitors among the disciples as Allah mentions in the Quran in Surat Al-Maidah: 11, " And behold, I inspired the Disciples to have faith in me and mine messenger; They said, "We have faith, and do thou (Jesus) bear witness that we bow to Allah as Muslims."

This narration is commonly interpreted by scholars that the one who was crucified was Judah al-Askharyuti and although I affirmed this interpretation in my book, The Prophet Muhammad the Last Messenger in the Bible, it should be known that we were all mistaken in this case. This interpretation was influenced and tainted by Christian tradition. Every person makes mistakes in writing because that is a trait of humans, but Allah does not make mistakes. On the contrary, the Quran proves that the disciples of Jesus were not only truthful but also inspired by Allah therefore, not a traitor was amongst them as also mentioned in Surat As-Saf: 14, " O ye who believe! Be ye helpers of Allah: as said Jesus the son of Mary to the Disciples, " Who will be my helpers to (the work of) Allah?" Said the Disciples, " We are Allah's helpers!" Then a portion of the Children of Israel believed and a portion disbelieved: but we gave power to those who believed against their enemies, and they became the ones that prevailed". These verses align with the narration of Ibn Abbas. The narration alone only proves that Jesus asked and chose a person to be his simulacrum but what happened after were only theories and analysis.

In 1945, lost Gospels and Scriptures, were discovered in Egypt and more than 50,000 documents were found. Among them were Gospels that were used by Christians in previous times. When Constantinople in 312 AD became Christian, before that, there were many Gospels available. By the time Constantinople converted and introduced the Trinity, they rejected these bibles. One of them included the Gospel of Judah and this quote is found:

"Knowing that Judas was reflecting upon something that was exalted, Jesus said to him, “Step away from the others and I shall tell you the mysteries of the kingdom. It is possible for you to reach it, but you will grieve a great deal. [36] For someone else will replace you…"

(As found in the Gospel of Judas)

Insert photo of Gospel of Judas
Anything after that is just history and cannot be discussed because we do not have any source for it. From the beginning of Jewish history, people have claimed to be the Messiah, there were multiple people in jail because of the claims of removing the Romans.

Now understanding the context, the Romans summoned all the disciples and interrogated them one by one checking their names without lying and they said "one of you is a liar, one of you has to be Jesus" so they brought in Jewish witnesses to check their names and make sure none of them was Jesus but all of the witnesses pointed to someone and said, "He looks like Jesus" referring to Judah. The Romans said they wanted Jesus, where is Jesus, students and jews alike responded that he raised to Heaven, he is no longer on earth. They released them and sought out Jesus not understanding how to deal with the situation about Muhammad coming to finish Roman rule. They figured since having several in jail claiming to be the Messiah, all liars, they brought one asking are you the messiah? are you certain? are you going to destroy Roman rule? and if we crucified you? when they put him on the cross, he cried, as found in Matthew "Why have you forsaken me?" and did the same for the others in the prison and some denied messiahship, etc. None of the Disciples were witnesses to these crucifixions mentioned and dispersed after they were released. The Jews that were against Jesus were in alliance with the Romans and made a consensus to announce that they killed Jesus as mentioned Surat Al-Nisa 156-157, " That they rejected faith; that they uttered against Mary a grave false charge. That they said (in boast), 'We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah' but they killed him not, nor crucified him. Only a likeness of that was shown to them and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge. But only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not". The rumor of the crucifixion of Jesus resulted as a very successful piece of propaganda. Because Jesus was a known figure in the community due to the news of this Prophet, it was big news to spread and manifest quickly especially with no Jesus in person as proof. But according to Proverbs 21:18 " The wicked is a ransom for the righteous; and the faithless cometh in the stead of the upright". In this case Jesus would not have been crucified as a righteous man, and was replaced by someone else--a sinner. This is also reaffirmed in Psalm 34: 21-22.

In conclusion, the Prophet Muhammad was the awaited Prophet in the Bible. Jesus is not God, nor the son of God and was not crucified. Humans must remove themselves from his racial, color, language, culture, history in order to accept the truth and follow the truth to be at peace with the Creator through Islam.

1."A Deadling Misunderstanding:A Congressman's Quest to Bridge the Muslim-Christian Divide" By former Congressman Mark Siljander. 2. "The Prophet Muhammad the Last Messenger in the Bible" by Kais Al-Kalby
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