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We have regularly hearing the dumbest statement by Donald Trump. Trump is modern history's true liar. Evil is sitting inside of his heart, constantly asking him to lie.

He has been a catastrophically bad president, and he is incapable of exercising leadership during this crisis of COVID19.

For my surfer and reader I have summarize 10 points and the fact based video footage to called him the dumbest president on earth.

Step by step 10 facts about Donald Trump:

1. Trump lies incessantly. He has made more than 10,100 false or misleading statements since his inauguration on everything from crowd size to how tariffs work, according to Washington Post fact checkers.

2. Trump is corrupt. Last fall, a New York Times article listed numerous ways Trump, his family and aides have used the presidency to enrich themselves.
These include taxpayers subsidizing Trump when he stays at his properties; Trump’s companies pushing to expand overseas with help from foreign governments; and foreign officials trying to curry favor by spending money at Trump’s properties.

3. Trump is a conman. He sold himself as an astute businessman, convincing many voters he would bring prosperity to the little guy. Now we know better.
The New York Times reported recently that between 1985 and 1994 Trump’s businesses showed losses of nearly $1.2 billion. They paid no taxes in eight of those years.

4. Trump incites hate and bigotry. He regularly insults critics and has slurred blacks, Mexicans, Muslims and immigrants. He has called white supremacists “very fine people.”
His policy that separated hundreds of immigrant children from their parents is inhumane.

5. Trump has denied climate change as a scientific fact, ignoring government scientists who warn of serious consequences to the world unless we substantially curtail burning fossil fuels.
Instead, Trump’s policies favor fossil fuels and help exacerbate global warming.

6. Changing how the Endangered Species Act is applied to make it harder to protect animals and plants from the climate crisis

7. Stripping protections from streams and wetlands that had been protected by the Obama administration

8. Revoking California's waiver to set its own vehicle emissions standards under the Clean Air Act

9. Trump is a would-be dictator who coddles strongmen. He has taken the word of Russian President Vladimir Putin over U.S. intelligence agencies. He has called North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un “honorable.”
He has similarly praised dictatorial leaders of China, the Philippines and Egypt.

10. Trump thumbs his nose at the rule of law, undermining our democracy. He has attacked judges on rulings with which he has disagreed.

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