Category: Islam

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Abdul Hye was born in Bangladesh. PhD in Mechanical Engineering from University of Windsor, Canada. Living in Houston since 1981. He has over 28 years of aerospace experience for NASA on Space Station, Space Shuttle, and Space lab. He has written 17 Technical papers and has one US patent. Written 16 books on Islam, Daw’ah, and comparative religion.

Recently translated easy Qur’an for everyone – Muslim, non-Muslim, children, hotel, motel, church, hospital, politicians, etc. Pentagon is using this Qur’an. Now it is available in Spanish and French.

Has developed 15 PowerPoint presentations on Daw’ah, Islam. Presented to many cities of USA, Canada, overseas – Masjids, churches.

The Comparative religion presentation is being used globally by Muslims to interact with other faiths. Books, CDs and DVDs are being used in jail, hospital, masjid, library, etc.

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