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19:46 une chorée plutôt efficace ? 🇫🇷🥴 @junior_jmss ##pourtoii

♬ Like move it dance - Jikamanu

Entertainment industry may take over by social video short video clip. Today's technological advancement, allow us to become famous, in just 20 sec to 40 sec video clips. social media eventually take over like a raising of fire.

To become famous and earn big amount of money, best actors and actress around the world spend the whole life. but social media video clip for few sec turn an unknown person so famous with a huge money making machine.

World and its approach have changed. Power on video making and publishing become more and more popular without creating a multi-billion-dollar business. Investment is very minimal but output is skyrocketing.

This video creator went through lots of practice move, in order to keep current situation in mind. Creator of the video also use right words with music, that intigrate the movement and camera roll. That is the reason video viral like a raising of fire.

##duet with @jikamanu ##greenscreen ##blacklivesmatter ##happyathome

♬ son original - Jikamanu

Our next generation should focus more on idea and creativity. Idea and creativity can carry message, that could change the way we are living now.

Expressing and sending hidden message or protest against oppressions or evil political power with right tool and true clip can over through the evil government power or Zionist political ideology.

We should give our kids the full freedom to express and talk wat ever it is with a open mind

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